Tt Large Web 1333X1333 Luminous Luna

Luminous Luna

Location: La Rocque Pier
Artist: Hannah Jayne Lewin
Sponsored by: EFG In The Community
Sold for: £20,000
Tt Large Web 1333X1333 Luminous Luna

‘Luminous Luna’ is inspired by the bioluminescent worms in Jersey’s La Rocque Harbour. Each night as a result of a chemical reaction in the worms, the harbour area is illuminated creating a glowing spectacle. Much like the bioluminescent worms this tortoise also glows at night. It has been painted with a special glow in the dark acrylic paint to reveal a dazzling design lighting up the darkness of the night. Artist Hannah hopes this encourages people to explore Jersey’s natural environment not only during daylight but once night falls too.

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